Framework Details

Framework Title: Agriculture ArchivedGo to current version
ID: FR02536
Level/s: 2, 3, 4
Issuing Authority: Lantra
Issue Date: 14/02/2014

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The Agriculture Apprenticeship frameworks at levels 2, 3 and 4 are designed to provide
apprentices with the skills and knowledge required to carry out their job role and support
future progression within the sector.
This Apprenticeship framework reflects the range of jobs within Agriculture, covering both
arable and livestock enterprises. It provides an entry route into the sector as a general farm
worker and provides progression through to a unit manager/assistant farm manager at level 4.
Successful completion of the Higher Apprenticeship provides further opportunities to progress
through other specialist vocational courses or progressing further within Higher Education.
The duration of the Foundation Apprenticeship is 15 months, Apprenticeship is 18 months and
the Higher Apprenticeship is 12-24 months.

Previous Framework Versions