Framework Details

Framework Title: Food and Drink
ID: FR05123
Level/s: 2, 3, 4
Issuing Authority: National Skills Academy Food & Drink (NSAFD)
Issue Date: 01/02/2025

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The purpose of this Framework is help address skills issues facing the food and drink industry
by providing entry and progression routes for new entrants and existing staff.

The Framework is offered as a Foundation Apprenticeship, Apprenticeship and Higher
Apprenticeship and includes a range of sector-specific and generalist operational pathways;
and Food Manufacturing Excellence (FME), which focuses on embedding continuous
improvement and ‘lean’ production methods into food businesses.

Generic job roles include: Process Operative; Production Controller; Technical Manager; Team
Leader and Facilities Support Technician; and sub-sector specific jobs include: Butcher, Meat
and Poultry Operative, Plant, In-store and Craft Baker, Miller, Fishmonger, Brewer, Dairy
Operative and Fresh Produce Grader. FME roles include Organisation and Development
Manager, Productivity Manager and Lean Manufacturing Manager.

Previous Framework Versions