Framework Details

Framework Title: Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development Level 4 & 5 ArchivedGo to current version
ID: FR01998
Level/s: 4, 5
Issuing Authority: Skills for Care & Development
Issue Date: 05/02/2013

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The professional framework in Children’s Care, Learning and Development is for people who wish to lead practice and manage workers with children (and their families) in settings or services where the main purpose is care, learning and development e.g. nurseries, day care, crèches, child minders and Cylchoedd Meithrin (Welsh medium nurseries).

It is suitable for people already working in the sector who wish to develop their knowledge and skills and become occupationally competent as advanced practitioners or leaders and managers within the sector. People undertaking this professional framework will have considerable experience (and already have a qualification at level 3) in children’s care or early years practice. Under the SASW guidance it is anticipated that these workers will be over 19 years of age since the NMS for Childcare Practice indicates that managers must have at least 2 years practice experience. Individuals undertaking this framework must have a management role or be undertaking leadership or management activities to provide the evidence required for the competence qualification.

The qualification confirms occupational competence for workers who lead or manage practice or workers in Wales and contributes towards improving the quality of childcare in Wales led by people with higher level skills.

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